Alanya czy Side wakacje w Turcji
ALANYA or SIDE? Where is it worth going on holiday to Turkey?
Published 22 August, 2021
ALANYA OR SIDE? - WHERE IS IT WORTH TO GO ON HOLIDAY WHAT YOU FIND OUT IN THIS ARTICLE: a few words about the Turkish Riviera, a few words about the cities Alanya and Side and their history, what tourist attractions are worth to see
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Fires in Turkey. Current situation regarding fires in Turkey (2021)
Published 6 August, 2021
Given the first major fires in the Manavgat area in the last 10 years, we would like to inform you that the fires in the tourist areas have been extinguished and the tourists are safe and their holiday is going smoothly.
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Things to do in Alanya
Things to do in Alanya, Turkey – Best Tours to Discover Alanya
Published 15 February, 2021
Alanya is the most beloved tourist destination on the Turkish Riviera. Its location by the Mediterranean Sea on one side and the Taurus Mountains on the other offers stunning scenery and beautiful weather throughout the year!
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shopping in Turkey
What to buy in Turkey - tips for your holiday shopping
Published 4 September, 2020
While talking about holiday in such a culturally different place as Turkey it is impossible not to mention shopping.  Tourists who come here for holidays  use it as a good opportunity to do some shopping. Shopping for all kinds is very popular. When asked - what to buy in Turkey – the answer is in our new article!
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Wakacje w Turcji w czasie pandemii
Turkey holiday during the pandemic - what to know beforehand
Published 26 August, 2020
"Turkey? What Turkey during the pandemic ?! " "What holiday can be in the middle of a pandemic?" Before going on vacation to Turkey, you will surely hear such statements more than once. When booking tours with us, you often ask about the safety and method of conducting tours at this particular time. We decided to collect questions in the FAQ (frequently asked questions). We hope it will dispel your doubts
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